Knobel Atkinson Tannlegesenter

Knobel Atkinson dentist The clinic was started in December 2009. It works dentists Solveig Knobel Atkinson and Hanne Sivertsen with 5 dental assistants. We are affiliated Specialist in endodontics (root canal) Arasj Sanjabi. He performs treatments at the clinic one weekend each to every other month. We are located in bright and pleasant space in the middle of Vennesla (between MX Sports and Prix Torsby). Knobel Atkinson dentist is an updated clinic when it comes to dental equipment and courses.

Our goal is for our patients to feel cared for and that the dental visit a positive experience for you!

We are still new patients; send an email or call us and we'll help find one hour that suits you! We are open until. 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays!
